Write to Me


Ave. Estrella Sadhala
#10 2nd Piso, Frente a Univ. UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Lucky to have my companion

Arrived Jan 23, 2017
Love the family more than getting light after a few days without it. It’s one of those things that you take for granted when you use it daily. We had a cut line and no light for a few days and at first it was nothing, just a little dark when we planned for the next day. Then we realized there is no using our washer, the water pump, no charging the cell phone or refrigerator. We have light now but our poor chicken in the freezer didn’t make it through. We have a pool of chicken salmonella blood-water at the bottom of our fridge that we will need to clean out.

Some of the best parts of the week were our lessons with Yoelvi or Yovi like he prefers. (Kinda like Bon Jovi) We taught the first lesson and the spirit was so strong. It was a little scary to be there on intercambios (exchanges) but it still went super well. He is super excited to be baptized in February, if he gets himself ready. After a motorcycle accident and losing his mother it has made him humble and every time the spirit testifies of eternal families the whole room fills with God’s love. It was really nice that our missionary, that I did exchanges with, could see how the lessons aren’t just sharing information. Yovi came to church for the first time and the only problems we can see in the horizon are possible things with a girlfriend.

We have a less-active who has tons of questions about agency and the pre-earth life. He is great but feels like a hypocrite in church, its sad that people can slowly fall away and then forget the truths they once knew. They forget that they were valiant in the testimony of Christ and were willing to put everything on the line to receive the promised blessings through him.

Isuary and Coralina are well, but they just need to work to have an eternal family. We have talked about temples and everything. How do you tell somebody they need this, when that’s what you are constantly trying to do.

We had another intercambio (exchanges) and I realized how lucky I am to have my companion. We can have the spirit so well and we both understand how things should be. I really feel like we are doing what we can even though things aren’t always fruitful.
Today we played baseball at the Campamento in Bonao as a zone. Its super hot here, even though I heard Utah is covered in snow. The only thing cold here is the cold I had during the week and our bucket showers. I had a really fun time and this week is a new week. I’m excited.

I am coming to learn more about how to be patient and how to be positive, even when things are hard. I am also learning more about the real value of priesthood blessings. Not only blessings of health but everything that comes because of the priesthood. How great is it I can share with people the truth that my family not only can be eternal, but is. It is a current and progressing thing. Again the Lord has opened the blessings of heaven with the keys he once gave to Peter, and has now given to Thomas S Monson. 

Elder Sheffield

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