Write to Me


Ave. Estrella Sadhala
#10 2nd Piso, Frente a Univ. UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic

Monday, January 16, 2017

Filling our planners

Arrives Jan 9, 2017
Love the family more than my new baseball mit! My companion is a big Dominican baseball player so we decided to get me a baseball mit a toss around a baseball for exercise in the morning. I now have a mit that I got for 300 pesos or about 7 dollars. Thanks for the Christmas money, I finally used some of it.

I would say this week was a good hard work week but I feel like I say that every time. 

I really enjoy some of the things my companion and I are doing right now. We are planning for our lessons more deeply and trying to leave earlier to teach and to take advantage of the members help.

In our planners we are completely filling the pages with contacts and lesson plans and phone numbers. I feel like we teach a lot better. I have loved how much we feel the spirit in the lessons. It was a goal of ours to help people not just feel the spirit but recognize it and then follow it. We have spent a good amount of time really bringing back into progress some of the investigators that were dropping off. It feels like we have some amazing families and He doesn’t want us moving on quite yet. 

There is a young man in our branch who came up to us a few weeks ago asking if he could go with us because he said he has a testimony but it isn’t super strong. He doesn’t do much in the lessons, but it is super amazing he has that courage to ask to come and spend a few hours with us a couple days a week.

Thursday we went to Santiago to the mission office and started exchanges with the assistants. We have a new assistant and now both of them are from my group. Elder Millward and I have always joked around about how great it would be to be companions and it finally happened for one day. He is probably my best friend in the mission, a good guy from god old Burly, Idaho.

Friday was our mission leadership council meeting and like all new zone leaders my companion was super anxious. Haha, I remember feeling the same way but this time president even made us give a training on obedience. It was kind of a stressful week but when Sunday came around, I got a new record in my mission. We had 9 investigators in church and it went well.

My spiritual thought is of the power of testimony. We fought then, and we fight now, the forces of darkness with faith in Christ and our testimonies. It has been an amazing week for me in how much I have been able to feel the spirit carry my testimony to the people. I know he lives and this is his gospel that allows us to reconcile ourselves with our father. 

Love Elder Sheffield

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