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Ave. Estrella Sadhala
#10 2nd Piso, Frente a Univ. UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Lord requires more than just reading

Arrived 31Jan2017
Love the family more than decent Internet. With a new focus and initiative there was a big capacitation for all the missionaries across the world. We were in charge of getting the zone together in a few groups to see the transmission. After a lot of stress and a decent hour working with the Internet, we finally got to see the message. It was so amazing! We have a new daily schedule and new key indicators (focus points) for the work. We are working on being more healthy, being our own agents and taking home what we become on the mission, something my companion won't stop nagging me about since I’m "casi muerto"

Tuesday we went to Constanza for a baptismal interview. The pueblo really reminds me of a small Utah ski resort town, but without snow. However it is the coldest part of the Caribbean and in the past couple weeks a few parts have gotten below 0 (celcius) and they have gotten ice out of the streams. 

Wednesday we watched the worldwide mission broadcast. It was so amazing and mind blowing. I am privileged to have my part in the work. The Lord confides a lot in his missionaries. 

Thursday we planned, we need to drop and find more news. Lots of contacting, but few people turning into investigators. A recent convert from Nicaragua invited us to eat at her house a long with the senior couple Los Decker. In the end she made us fish and shrimp, which is against the rules here for us to eat. It turned into a risky game of get rid of the food on your plate without the member seeing. We tried explaining the reason to her but she insisted and was getting offended. My companion dumped all his onto Elder Decker’s plate and I got stuck solo on the other side of the table. In the end I used a plastic bag I had brought, to shovel the food off my plate and into my pocket. I know the family would've cracked up watching. Overtime the member turned around or left the room, the four of us missionaries with hushed voices and quick actions worked to find a place for the food.

Friday we had the mission council meeting where we went over the new schedule and indicators. In a few words we have been given freedom to do what when need to whenever we want. The Lord has given us liberty to work in his vineyard, develop his talents. There are going to be some that take advantage and be lazy, a few that try but don't use the work effectively and others that truly become servants of the lord instead of just doing his work.

Friday we had exchanges again and I feel really blessed to have my companion. We aren't perfect but we understand what we are supposed to do and for the most part are able to do it. I have felt that I had to figure out for myself without a lot of help how to improve and maybe before I felt a little bad about it but I have come to realize how it has made the difference.

Sunday we had church and a little bit of a discouraging time, but our final appointment was amazing. I started fasting that afternoon and we managed to wiggle our way out of the sudden surge of invitations to eat with people. It really made a change when in our last appointment we went way out of the normal. We began to teach the lesson about the restoration but the spirit had it change. The investigator named Edgar takes everything lightly and as we found out doesn't really believe too much in God. He loves to read and had read the pamphlet but nothing else. The Spirit really gave it to him for not putting his part in, the Lord requires more than just reading. He requires honest prayer and searching to do his will. I have very few times seen a lesson so strict. We left amazed at how things went. Maybe he doesn't follow through but we felt the Lords approval for having sought to do what HE wanted and what Edgar needed.

Yesterday we weren't able to write since it was a holiday (just like every other week) but we played baseball and bought food and had fun.
Random other things I had a black eye for a week when someone threw a baseball at me when I didn't have my glove, we enjoy our time in the streets by identifying the different fruit trees like mamon, calmito, tayota, guanabana and guyana and as we wait for the public transport we people watch and guess what model the car is as it drives by.

I have reading been thing of the importance of committing oneself to the lord. We no longer are counting how many lessons we teach each week but how many have baptismal dates, and how many people come to church. ITs a focus on commitment. The Lords church is the only one with his covenants. For other people it may be nice to not have to commit or only a little bit r in another way but for us the Lords disciples we can commit ourselves to him because he committed himself to us, with eternal covenants. The Lord is increasing his work and making his saints and we are all lucky to have these commitments and blessings placed on our shoulders.
Elder A Sheffield Sheffield

I don't have time but here are a ton of picture without descriptions 

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