Arrived 21
Nov 2016
Love the family more than winter! Last year I was in the hottest part of the country so being here in Bonao I actually feel like its winter, and my first one in two years haha. The cool breeze and even the smoggy air sometimes makes me trunky but I am loving the weather!
Love the family more than winter! Last year I was in the hottest part of the country so being here in Bonao I actually feel like its winter, and my first one in two years haha. The cool breeze and even the smoggy air sometimes makes me trunky but I am loving the weather!
week was a little bit of a roller coaster.
week we cleaned up an Elders house, that had a special transfer, preparing
everything for the new missionaries. We taught a few lessons and then we were
going to have a member lesson but we showed up late and he had gone. Not having
spare minutes is a general thing, so he had just left and when we called him we
sort of received a boche, not good for our struggles with more member
we had a district meeting in Senior couple Decker’s house. He is from the
states and she is from Honduras and they are really kind. We had a small
testimony meeting and announced transfers. Two brand new sisters came in and
then a companionship of elders into the house we had cleaned. In the afternoon we taught
a baseball player named Carlos Pena. For some reason he really liked us even though we turned down
the offer to go to the movies with him and we never had time to go to the
baseball field with him. He understood the message pretty well and said he
would read the Book of Mormon on the plane ride to Toronto where he will
hopefully sign with the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team.
we had transfers and a district leader named Elder Melling spent the morning
proselyting with us. It definitely looks like we are the CIA of the FBI when
three gringo missionaries are walking around in the street. Also, its funny
rotating between the three to teach. Our lesson and baptismal date with the man
that we thought may or may not have had been drinking alcohol turns out to be
really good! In our second lesson he remembered his baptismal date and kept
bringing it up! He had read the Introduction to the Book of Mormon and
understood it and has a good friend who is a member and lives nearby! He is
excited to be baptized. Our other really promising new investigator Jose had
lots of things going on so our second lesson kept being put back. We had a
little bit of a contentious lesson when the friend of an investigator asked
some questions, without real intent, and our ward mission leader bless his
heart has to prove his point. Things worked out but one always gets nervous.
was anther rough day. My companion re-contacted a pastor we had met and it was
a rollercoaster. Then later an old investigator who occasionally goes to church
gave my companion a boche on charity and things. Then one of my favorite
investigators, Pedro a.k.a Haley, told us he can’t change religions because of
his wife and family problems.
we had an interesting weekly planning and companionship inventory. I really
respect my companion and things are getting better. That day for the crazy rain
the country has been having we were all told to be home at 7:30 instead of 9.
Our area recently has had less rain than usual, but the rest of the country is being
hammered by rains and floods.
we had a decent day and an amazing couple of lessons. At first we were a little
discouraged that we had invited all of our investigators to a baptismal program
in the other branch here but that fell through and we had to tell everyone it
wasn’t going to happen but in the night Jose and then Hipolito made my week! We
taught Jose when we contacted him smoking. When we had told him about prophets
he asked us tons of questions about what his name was where he lives etc. In this
lesson we finished the restoration. At one point we asked what it meant or
would mean to him that there are prophets on earth in our days. Half crying he
said ¨It means a lot. It means a lot.¨ It was an amazing lesson but we had run
out of copies of the Book of Mormon! With our new goal of teaching the
restoration entirely in the first visit we have been putting a lot of dates and
running out of even the four copies of the Book of Mormon we carry around. We didn’t
have one to give him or a talk from President Monson and I felt terrible. I
offered him my personal Spanish scriptures and my favorite Holland talk I had
about two rock climbing brothers. He turned down my scriptures and said next
time but he took the talk. Today we will get him a copy and a conference Liahona.
I have never seen someone understand more and feel the significance of a
prophet than this man. His baptismal date for right now is Christmas Eve.
Hipolito like I said is super excited for his baptism on the 17 and we have to
tell him to stop talking about it in lessons. It was a good night.
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Sunday at 12 preparing our numbers, my companion on the phone |
Juana Gustavo, a daughter in law and a granddaughter came to church! Four
people! I almost didn’t see them walk in because I was playing the piano, but
they loved it and I think they are back in the game. Our less active is indeed
coming back. After one lesson reactivated! good stuff.
we cleaned the house, played soccer, learned net ball from Sister Kennerley
from New Zealand, who is brand new, and bought things for thanksgiving. I think
some Americans would even be jealous of what we have planned.
highlight included our recent juices of beets, carrot juice with milk and
oatmeal, everyone trying to talk to us about President Trump, and Sister
Nicelers friends. Sister Niceler just came into the mission this transfer, but
turns out she is from Ethan Christensen’s ward in Saint Luis and she knows him!
Also she met Sister Lawrence from Ogden High in the MTC and Sister Lynch also
from Ogden High in the MTC and she met my trainer as he was going home in the
MTC. Turns out she knew who I was before she got here!
have been thinking a lot about how we as members of the church take for granted
what it means to be guided by Gods prophet and have latter day revelation. It
is latter day hope and guidance. Surely the Lord God will do nothing save he
shall reveal his secrets unto his servants the prophets, yet how often does it
strike us that we are part of the church that have received some of these secrets.
Like Jose it should mean so much we cannot contain it. I am very grateful for a
living prophet, for a living savior, a loving family, a divine calling of two
years and for a hope in a better world.
pila de gratitud
at 12 reporting numbers
Bonao district plus Sister Decker
what spices do you use for turkeys?
sheffield.emily wrote:
uses lots of salt and sometime season salt! Lots of people like rosemary or
sage too
garlic and basil. Honestly just salt would be delicious too!
Haha Im just gonna put a little bit of
everything we have and lots of salt
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