Write to Me


Ave. Estrella Sadhala
#10 2nd Piso, Frente a Univ. UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic

Monday, February 13, 2017

Im being transferred to Naverette

Arrived 6Feb2017

I am being transferred Wednesday to Naverette, to be the last companion of a Guatemalan. The future is bright but I will miss things here.

Love the family more than reading el Libro de Mormon in English with my companion. Everyone who has met us these past couple of weeks, automatically thinks my Dominican companion is gringo like me. He has kinda been feeling bad about it and now has changed his desire to learn into a goal. Everyday we read in English the Book of Mormon. First I read a sentence in Spanish and then he reads a sentence in English. We are in Joseph Smiths testimony.

By the way thanks for the birthday money, I now have a few pairs or new g´s that the senior couples bought when they visited the temple.

To be honest it was another good hard, but definitely not short, week. Every once in a while my companion will ask my why the area is the way it is or that he has never seen anything like this for a while. Sometimes you feel the spirit so strong and yet people don’t act. It’s been a good week with faith and understanding that even though you want to help somebody they don’t necessarily need help. 

We keep meeting a lot of amazing people.
Last Sunday a gringo visited because he served here 20 years ago. He was in the capital with a group of doctors and dentists and decided to visit. Without expecting or recognizing anybody he came but met a convert from 20 years ago. The convert was baptized right before the missionary finished his mission and they lost contact but they met again Sunday. The convert is now the first counselor in the district (like a stake) presidency.

Hermana Gramaja from Guatemala has been visiting. She has been a member for 42 years and we ran into her first week here. She couldn’t find the chapel but they came up to us and we brought them to church. She has a served a mission and everything. 
A 5 month recent convert from Niceragua that is 12 left with us during the week and I guess really enjoyed it. His mom was super excited. We only were able to teach a bout two lesson and walk several miles but it is amazing to see the desire to help and the courage to do it.

Our progress with investigators is a little slow. Lots of looking. 
The golden investigator Joelvi was going to fast with us Saturday but ended up at the beach Saturday until today. Still wants to be baptized but needs to put in his part.
We had a zone meeting and talked about the new daily schedule. We used to combine lunch with study time and dinner from 12 to 3 but now we are all figuring it out through trail and error. I personally find it hard to make my rice, beans and chicken in a half hour for lunch and then have the desire to walk back home to eat something small for an hour but its interesting. We are eating out more and from about five to five thirty we find and eat a pica pollo (kentucky fried chicken like stand with tostones)  
We did exchanges and again I went with the elder that I did my very first exchange with. MY second week in the mission I went with tigre Elder Verde for an exchange. He hasn’t really changed much but I speak Spanish now!

This week I was thinking about Samuel the Lamanite. He is so amazing. He was called to do what the Lord put into his heart. He then climbed the wall and said hey, this is what the Lord has put into my heart. I love that theme in the scriptures. The requires not animal sacrifices but a broken heart and contrite spirit, a personal sacrifice. We are to sacrifice our hearts to love and do what HE loves and does. In the previous chapter it talks about how hard is mans heart, we are supposed to give it up, sacrifice it, toss it out in the trash and make his heart our heart. 

Con mi corazon quebrantao  (Dominican Qubrantado)

Elder A. Sheffield

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