Write to Me


Ave. Estrella Sadhala
#10 2nd Piso, Frente a Univ. UTESA
Santiago 51000
Dominican Republic

Monday, November 7, 2016

Rain everyday

Arrived 7 Nov 2016
Love the family more than navigating Bonao streets like a water maze. We joke about the “Elder Sheffield” curse because whenever I am in the area it rains. We have had rain everyday except for one day when I had intercambios with a district leader. The water comes down suddenly and floods all the streets! We leave on a small fan at night to dry the shoes.
Well, once again we got late to the internet center so I don’t have much time to write, sorry. But I do have a few highlights to this week.
We met this really cool young man who will probably pitch for the Toronto Blue Jays baseball team in the near future. I think he really wanted us as friends because it’s a little lonely living here alone. We got invited to the movie theater. I really love my really nice rain jacket but my companion doesn’t have anything, so I decided for now I’ll just keep it in the house. I made Dominican hot chocolate a few times this week, they put clove in it which gives it this Dominican taste yum.
I have been feeling a little bit like I haven’t been a very good companion lately and like we haven’t had a lot of results so that is something I am really trying to be better at. I really like the Liahona this month. I am really studying prayer, love, faith and charity and hope. And I have been really improving with my piano lately.
We had two members go with us this week, its really hard for us to get members right now, in the rain. For the people it’s like walking the plank to have to go out in the rain. It made our day to see a member pull up on his moped.
A member and I joked about Johnny Lingo the other day. Good old times. “Ocho vaca esposa, majana tu fea, Mr. Harris”
We had a few service projects for the day of service, but we had an intercambio so it wasn’t long for us. We got forced into a baby shower at the chapel. We sang and I gave a message about families.
Nobody came to church and things have been going a little slow. We have a few amazing people but they are just kinda learning, we are hoping for conversion. They ask some great questions which is a good sign and two families have come to church before, but we are really focusing on baptizing. That is a mission goal, to challenge everyone to baptism and to always be thinking about baptism.
I heard that in my old area things are going really great. Paulino still goes to church, and so does De Luna even though he has problems which prevent him from being baptized. Two of my investigators got baptized a little while ago and the young girl bore her testimony about us (the elders that taught her) I guess. I sometimes think I’m bad luck or that I’m just destined to not see some of these people get baptized, but it is good to be here and things are going well.
I really like a scripture in Moises 6. Enoch is told to go, to go and do, and preach. The Lord says go and I will justify your words, and I will be with you and you will be with me and we will walk together. How great would that be to have such great faith and hope that not only mountains flee from you but it is as if you were walking with The Father himself. The branch president in his testimony posed the idea at what it was like when Heavenly Father asked “Who shall I send?” What was it that we said? Oh how I believe we reverently sustained our Savior to be Jesus Christ. I want to be everyday more valiant in my love and faith that I may walk with Him who was chosen from the beginning. We need him. I pray that everyone of us can have the faith to love others as He loves them.

Elder A Sheffield

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