Love you more than…Homemade
Made them this morning and even
though I found out I'm terrible at flipping them and putting the stove at a
good temperature, it was great. Brought back memories of general conference
mornings when we'd all be waiting, with conference on the t.v. and eating
crepes or waffles in the kitchen.
Another email, and I have to say that
I don't know what to write. I thought I'd grow out of this by now. So yes, I
have three months in the mission! I'm also proud to say that I haven't been
sick this whole time, probably from all those days choking on lake water while
water skiing haha, but hey so far I think I'm immune. Some cool stuff that
happened this week were a service project we did for a menos activo. We cut
down banna/gineo trees with machetes and then planted the roots again.
Elder Coombs has some admirers in the branch, which is funny for me, but could be difficult if it progresses. We are continually finding menos activos as we do street contacting and then after a few minutes of talking with them, they're like “hey I'm a member by the way” haha.
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Using a machete to cut Banna trees |
Elder Coombs has some admirers in the branch, which is funny for me, but could be difficult if it progresses. We are continually finding menos activos as we do street contacting and then after a few minutes of talking with them, they're like “hey I'm a member by the way” haha.
This week's summary: We have a few
really promising investigators, some newly found menos activos that
like us a lot (one lady gave us juice, fritos/fried platanos, spaghetti
and jello; a miracle) and a ward mission leader now! Also this Sunday we had
the normal amount of people show up for church. Lots of them were investigators
and menos activos. Also frammi was finally able to get confirmed. I went
on my third entercambio in three weeks with our new zone leader from Idaho. He
is kind of like your stereo-typical jock, but he's a good guy. I was nervous
because I had to take him to our less good area in Carbonera, but it was a
better day than normal! Lately I've been feeling like I don't get to talk a lot
in our lecture, like lessons, but this week we improved a lot in our simple but
powerful lessons, and I've talked a lot more, with more success.
A few other things from our week. We
sing hymn number 153 “Oid el Toque del Clarin” like every sunday so I
almost have it memorized. We have had some amazing first few lessons with a boy
named Jeffri/Yeffri and Jean Carlos. The zone leaders gave us mangos. Maria Jose
is trying to make us fat off of club crackers and Dominican brand coke and it
rained yesterday so me and Elder Coombs thought about skipping down the street
at 9:00 singing “Singing in the Rain” haha But we didn’t.
I'm 99% sure we will watch
conference in English but you never know. I'm super excited even though that
much English will probably destroy my Spanish haha. I think we'll see it delayed,
not sure. We will get an English and Spanish copy of the talks like the other
monthly Liahona's so don't worry about sending me one.
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Made applesauce popsicles |
Sounds like you guys are doing
great! Samuel keep up the work with basketball, Jacob take care of your pets
and learn to be a vet, Joshua stop growing. Mom be careful how much you work-out,
I feel like I'm getting skinny in the arms and getting a little chubby
rice/dominican belly and I can't have my mom be stronger than I am! Dad you are
my hero.
For a spiritual message I want to
share a few things. We found the amazing kid Jeffri/Yeffri when looking for a
contact. I didn't expect much since it was this small wood house behind two
others and these two adults who just stared at us the whole time. As we talked
and when we shared the second time, I realized how special this was. Jeffri is
14 and really quiet, but with a lot of spiritual knowledge and a great heart.
He really listens and wants to know more. His father works in the military and
his mom hasn't said more than a few words to us, but I know they are prepared
for progression. Gold is found by sifting through the dirty silt in rivers.
Yeffri is gold not because he is perfect but because he has the desire.
Physical wealth, and especially spiritual wealth comes from the desire to do
more. This desire coupled with prayer is priceless. Prayer is literal
communication with the Being that created and knows everything. If you say you
don't have time to pray, you really just say you don't want to be better; to
progress. Please pray. Pray about everything. Father is there for you and me. I
know it, and you guys need to know it to.
Con todo de mi gringo corazón (with all my gringo heart)
Elder Sheffield
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