Arrived July 30,2015
Love you more than...Secreta Oracion. (My favorite spanish hymn,
like dad)
Looks like we are trying to escape |
There's so much to talk about I can hardly think of what I want
to say. It's been cool to occasionally see Elders from out in the field, I've
talked to a few from Santiago who say president is great, likes the rules and
doesn't know a ton of English so I'll get extra practice! We leave like august
8 I think. It's a Tuesday morning in like a week and I half.... I think. It's
hard to focus on everything at once, always busy.
What our MTC/CCM looked like for a week, just about 40 of us, but now there are about 70 |
The pants have been great,
and the shoes. It feels like I always have lots of dirty shirts and not enough
clean ones haha. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!!! 10 IS SO OLD. My little j-dub is all
grown up ;) Sounds like you had a great party! I was thinking of presents I
could give you if you were here, like one of the big lizards that run around on
the temple grass. That was really nice of Abbie to give you the hamster.
Fun stuff from the store: flag, soda, soap, colored pencils, and a tie |
We went to the store again this week and my card worked so I got
some things, really excited to buy soap and stuff haha. Proud of you guys for
working on prayer. Thanks dad for your email last week, it really was amazing,
meant a lot.
"On Wednesday's we wear pink" |
This week we taught some amazing lessons as well as some that
weren't perfect, it's good practice for the field. Tomorrow we actually go out
into the field and do splits with elders for 7 hours which is exciting. I'm
trying not to be nervous. Today was our last temple day in the CCM which is
bitter sweet. My Spanish is getting progressively better and I'm getting more
confident with how it's going. I was trying to think of a good spiritual thing
this week, there are so many to choose from. I think something that touched me
this week is how everything has a purpose and is part of a plan. Everyone we
meet is for a purpose. "Every moment if you have eyes to see and ears to
hear is a perfect missionary moment" -Holland. Though we may feel like we
sometimes are just another person going with the flow, it's not random. Those
I've met here have been put on my path in life for one reason or another. We
should always be looking for the special ways Heavenly Father shows his hand
and love through just those little moments. Some Haitian Elders just went home
this week and it touched me how we'll never see them again, but the time we had
together was made by eternal perspective. Everything is just perspective, don't
focus on what you cannot change for the better. This life is for progression
and every step along the way there are people we must meet and help as together
we travel nearer to our home in heaven.
Spiritual essentials kit: Libro, name tag, planner/notes, moroni tie pin |
Love you all back home,
Elder Andrew W. Sheffield
"You shall not pass"in Spanish |
Gym time |
Mystery soup/traditional dominican meal |
Park of lights |
Seeing the ocean from the temple |
District Moroni |
P-day |
Fun on p-day |
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